PinnedWhat’s So Complicated About XX and XY?“I learned that in elementary school”Jun 10, 20227Jun 10, 20227
PinnedPublished inThe ShortformPleased To Meet You!Day Ten of the Shortform ChallengeJan 17, 20225Jan 17, 20225
PinnedPublished inThe ShortformShort Form Introduction: Melinda K. DooleyEnthusiastic Biologist and EducatorJul 31, 20217Jul 31, 20217
So You Want To Ace That Exam/Course/Project?Spend a bit of time planning then get to workAug 16, 20222Aug 16, 20222
If It Were A Choice, Who’d Make It?I’ve been writing a lot about evolution lately. What it is, what boundaries we set upon it — I’ve been planning to write about…Jul 29, 20221Jul 29, 20221
“Alien Invasive Species”The Polish Academy of Sciences maintains a database of invasive species, with over 1700 entries. Earlier this week, Felis catus — the…Jul 29, 20222Jul 29, 20222
Published inThe ShortformThey Argue So Much Because The Stakes Are So LowI’ve recently found myself wanting to explain evolution to the many strangers who don’t get it, so I started writing.Jul 29, 2022Jul 29, 2022
On EvolutionLet’s talk about biodiversity! Made famous by Charles Darwin (even though Alfred Wallace had come to the same conclusions at the same…Jul 25, 20222Jul 25, 20222